
Long ago, the world of Verra faced a Great Calamity that had taken on a few names. Some called it the Fall, others the Apocalypse and even others addressed it as the Exodus. This major event was brought about by celestial beings known as The Ancients and The Others.
This apocalypse all started with comet-like celestial bodies known as Harbingers that had arrived on Verra. The impacts left by these Harbingers left scars upon the land where The Ancients flowed out from the centers of these harbingers like a conduit and started to conquer the planet. The desire of these Ancients were to pervert the creation of the Gods (The Seven) as they saw them as an affront to their endeavors and in doing so they would create monstrosities. Monstrosities created by manipulating nature with corruption which we know as a negative aspect of ‘The Essence’.
Granted by the divine intervention from the Goddess of Creation, much of the population fled Verra through towering gateways, seeking refuge in a world void of Magic. The world of Sanctus where our characters come from a existance that the Goddess of Creation had made to protect the people fleeing from Verra.
"A long long long time ago, everybody lived on a planet called Verra. Something cataclysmic happened that forced people from that world to another world called Sanctus. Verra is a place of really high magic. Sanctus is a place with no magic whatsoever. People escaped through these portals into the world of Sanctus. They had to rediscover technology, because so much of their current technology was based on magic, so they had to figure out how to interact with the world. Thousands and thousands of years go by. A long dark age passes. This history that I just told you falls into myth and legend. After this time passes, these portals reopen and the players are going to take the part of people who are coming through those portals once again back to the world of Verra to rediscover that magic, rediscover their history, and try to figure out what happened to this world to force them out of it."
It is important to know that soon after the exodus these gateways that the goddess of creation had made would dim and become dormant. Centuries would turn to millennia which in return would bury these gateways beneath myriad of calamities. Over the eons, history would become legend and even the great legends themselves would all but be forgotten.
These are Comet-like Celestial Bodies powered by a very strong source of magic that essentially acts as a bridge between ‘The Void’ and the Material Plane where the world of Verra Exists. It is also important to understand that The Ancients and the The Others used the Harbingers to travel to Verra, thus beginning the initial Apocalypse.
As stated prior the Ancients flowed out of the conduits that opened at the center of these Harbingers and thusly began their conquest of Verra. For out of character purposes these exist on Verra as dungeons where the Ancients are capable of pushing into the Material plane. They can continue to do so under the guise of the effects of corruption which can be seen spreading.

"The Ancients and The Others they found their way to Verra at some point and they came through what we call the Harbingers, which are essentially these celestial bodies- these almost comet-like structures that were traveling through space to find the location of the new creation; and within those harbingers is a very strong source of magic that essentially acts as a bridge between the Void and the Material plane where Verra exists."
Written By Kyrie Patrika Arisanna Chronologist & Scrivener for the Lightpact
“Know then that the unforgivable sin of Atrax was his unbridled hubris. In an attempt to unlock the secrets of immortality the Toren king began an obsessive study of ancient artifacts and profane magicks. This drew the attention of the Ancients, a fallen race banished into the Void in ages past. For the first time since their exile, the ancients became aware of the four races created by the Seven to replace them as the Stewards of Creation.”
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Written By Kyrie Patrika Arisanna Chronologist & Scrivener for the Lightpact
“I met the most astonishing individual today! Initially, I had set out to speak to Krelzenus Vagesh, the renowned Vek alchemist and inventor. I had heard that he had come through the divine gateway some time before, and I desired to pick his prodigious brain in regards to any discoveries oddities, or inspirations that had surfaced since hi arrival on Verra. I met up with Vagesh at his local market, which would be more aptly described as a makeshift campground.”
... read more
Written By Kyrie Patrika Arisanna Chronologist & Scrivener for the Lightpact
“When the sun sets behind the canopy of the Crystalbough forest, it becomes difficult to tell where the sky ends in the treelines begin. Under the branches, rustling with leaves of orange and yellow despite the seasons, motes of essence-charged pollen flutter through the air like fairies, flickering white. For three days, I rode the path that wove through diamond-white trees between Oleander Reach and Mariam amongst these woods and found myself captivated time & time again.”
... read more
With the Fall of Verra came the eventual Return, sparked by the lighting of the Divine Gateways in Sanctus that led back to the force capital cities of Verra. These capital cities, however, lay in ruins for centuries following the Apocalypse. Remember and recall that Verra is the ancestral home to the people of Sanctus. Also remember that Sanctus was a forethought by the goddess of fate and creation as simply a place to provide sanctuary to those who had fled the Calamity of Verra originally. Essentially returning to Verra the people of Sanctus hope to reclaim their ancestral homelands.
"You are returning to a world that has essentially been destroyed and left untouched for many millennia, and as a result those old capital cities are essentially the ruins of which you're returning to; and the new cities that you are developing- the node structures that exist- these are brand new cities. They might be couched within ruins of old empires so to speak, but they will not be representative of the old capital cities."
Expeditions were sent through the gateways to discover the beautiful and perilous realm that is full of magical charm and wonders. The people of Sanctus will be exploring, rebuilding and repopulating the world once more. Remarkable ancient treasure troves await these would be adventurers (that includes our characters) while they navigate the dark remnants of evil that still inhabit the lands.
"The Ancients have been on Verra for a long time prior to your return; and it's important to note that players who are starting in the world of Verra, they're coming in actually a few short months after the very first expeditionaries were sent through the Divine gateways when they opened from Sanctus. And the early days on Vera with the return were not super easy. They were difficult. There were struggles with the food supplies. There were a little bit of mutinies that occurred. There were certain artifacts that were found by some of these NPCs that were your predecessors in the return; and some of them decided that they would be better off on their own, or that they had a more powerful thing or creature that they could follow and be rewarded from."

The Divine Gates are basically portals that are located in ruined cities of the ancient races of Verra. Divine Gateways are where we as players will be making our first land fall in Ashes of Creation. These Gateways will be in proximity to one or more designated starting areas.
As we know from our chapter on 'The Fall' these Gateways were created by the Goddess of creation in response to the warning that was given by the Goddess of Fate that the Ancients and The Others would return from exile and seek retribution for their defeat at the hands of The Seven Gods.
"Where players start, they enter this portal from another world called Sanctus. Sanctus is a place of no magic, low technology; and players are the first expeditioners that are coming through this portal into the world of Verra."
There are a few planes of existences which are connected to the Essence.To better understand them, you first need to understand what Essence is. Essence is a metaphysical energy or as some may call it a life-force (chi) that can be manipulated to create what could be seen as magic. These planes of existence have varying degrees of strength which is all determined by their proximity to the Essence. Essentially think of the Planes of Existence as bridges to the source which is the Essence.
You have the Plane of the Gods which is the most connected to the Essence, the Material plane which is not the highest in terms of proximity to the source (Essence) and then you have The Void which is the furthest from being connected to the Essence and only a minute amount of essence can be found within it.
These tales are written in the perspective of a chronologist and provide insight into the legends of The Fall and The Return.
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The Aelan empire is the most recent successor of the once great house of Lyneth. For over one thousand years the house of Lyneth ruled over the Aela. A golden age endured for most of their reign. It was only during the dawn of the last century before the fall, during the Great War of the Undying that the house fell. With no suitable heir to the Lyneth throne the country fell into chaos. What arose is the fragile republic we see today. Overseen by the Emperor elected through the Council of Five: The five who govern the greatest cities on the Empire. The Aelan empire is by far the largest nation in all of Verra, with over eight million souls among its inhabitants. Aelans also represent the single largest population on Verra. Their borders touch upon every other nation; and with their interests of expansion on the seas of Verra, they are able to deploy their widely feared armies to any shore. The Empire uses this fear to bully many city states, bending them to their will. Those who deny the will of the Empire often find themselves at the end of a sword.
The Kaelar have an ambition to build, to create order and define themselves by the state of their civilization. The Kaelar had an empire that spanned the largest of all in the days of yore before the Calamity on Verra. With the Return they plan on doing the same with Verra as their people return to their ancestral home. The Kaelar are also known for being extremely loyal to their toos and will always rise to the challenge no matter how desperate or dangerous.

They are defined by their Trade, Laws and Hardships. Trade is important for them as they are a people who had been forged by the heat of the desert which has hardened them due to the harsh conditions of their surroundings. Their law is important as it keeps their society orderly and functioning in a place where disorder could mean life or death. They have been defined as a blade that bends but does not break. Due to all these characteristics they bare they've managed to grow into one of the wealthiest empires on Sanctus despite having few natural resources to exploit themselves. After all its kill or be killed.
"The Vaelune have an interesting lineage and there is some influence there that when the Vaelune step through the portal, some portions of their body beings to exhibit this almost essence-like rupture in the skin; and you guys are going to see some example of that in the future; and it is a bit of some Jinn influence in their lineage as a race that set them apart from their Kaelar counterparts."

As the game is not officially launched we will be updating this section of our Lore Manual as more information is provided. As we wish to make this a guide for members of the Gilded House to reference for lore related material this'll be a continuous project. Major updates to this guide will be made known to the community. We will always reference source material and reflect 'actual' lore within these pages. As Gilded House is a collaborative based community this project too will have many Authors and contributors to it.
Hundreds of years before the first Harbinger appeared in the Verran sky, under the rule of King Fentis Lyneth VIII, there lived a great Aelan explorer named Doren Greyshore. Doren sailed the first ships to the shores of Eranthia, where he established one of the wealthiest guilds the 10 seas had ever seen: The Greyshore Company. Their motto — to this day — still holds true: "The sails of diplomacy are driven by the winds of trade, within the seas of opportunity.


For over 4,000 years the Pyrian royal family of Eradal has endured. The kingdom has seen its share of wars. The kingdom's borders encompass the great forest of Eranthia. The capital of Amera is among the oldest and most beautiful cities in the world. Its royal families can trace their lines back to the days of the Dark Fires. The Pyrian universities of magic and martial studies are unparalleled in the lands of Verra. Many of the citizens of the Kingdom venture out into the lands of Verra wishing to spread their knowledge of art and science to their fellow Verrans. These ventures are often subsidized by the royal households of Pyria for hopes it will foster a better relationship with their Human neighbors. Once a close ally of Aela and the house of Lyneth, the Pyrian Kingdom and Aelean Empire ended one of the bloodiest wars in Verran history. Eighty years have passed since the last bloodshed; and although tensions have subsided among the citizens of the two nations, there remains a heightened level of distrust among the Empire's new rulers and the royal family of Pyria.
The Elven race is generally a secretive one and exists within the Pyrian kingdom. Primarily a patriarchal society, Elves tend to keep within the natural borders of their forests. It has only been over the past millennia that the Riverlands have begun to see colonies of Elves exist. Elven scholars, dignitaries and pioneers can often be found in many of the human cities: Though their presence is rarely seen in sites other than archaeological, academic or diplomatic. Rumors do abound throughout the darker circles of Verra that there lies a particular lineage of Elves that exist within the Underrealm of Verra.
Py'Rai are rich with history and have a deep understanding of Magic and Martial practices. They pride themselves on treasuring the arts and pursuing higher knowledge in the studies of sciences and math. They also value the differences of others; specifically those with Human lineages as they are always striving to create a meaningful enough relationship with them to foster peace. This is not to say, however, that the Py'Rai people are without their flaws or their bloody history. After all the Pyrain have just finished a rather distasteful conflict with the Aelean Empire one that has marred the landscape and has definately molded the perspectives of not only the Py'Rai people but those from other walks of life.
Py'Rai People live in simple adobes in comparison to their cousins the Empyreans. Py'Rai houses are made to blend with the natural world often built to blend with the natural world around us. Houses built upon, around and even in large tree's which often depict us having a affinity to the environments we find ourselves in.

Empyrean are cousins to the Py'rian and have a more distinguished take on pride, honor and culture. People who have a strengthened military presence and can be rather intimidating to approach as their society is very structured. To an outsider it could almost appear stuffy, but for the Empyrean they seem rather content with the rigid nature of how their society is driven. They are not too different from their Py'Ria cousins in terms of who leads their people being primary a patriarchal society.
Unlike their Py'ria cousins, however, they live within beautiful structures of stone and glass. They have an elegance to them that is specifically designed not to blend in with the natural world around them but rather to give credence to the structure of their society and the polished nature of their rigid beliefs. Often made of Marbles, Polished Stonework, and regal embellishments. Pillars, Domes and other features are often portrayed within their structures giving them a defined and unique appearance among the other societies of the world.
Marbles, Polished Stonework, and regal embelishments. Pillars, Domes and other features are often portrayed within their structures giving them a defined and unique appearence among the other societies of the world.

As the game is not officially launched we will be updating this section of our Lore Manual as more information is provided. As we wish to make this a guide for memebrs of the Gilded House to reference for lore related material this'll be a continuous project. Major updates to this guide will be made known to the community. We will always reference source material and reflect 'actual' lore within these pages. As Gilded House is a collaborative based community this project too will have many Authors and contributors to it.


The Dünzenkell nation, deep within the mountains of Verra, is the oldest nation in the world. The Dünzenkell have been known as many names over the ages, but only one name has graced the highest mountain, within which their capital has stood since the beginning of recorded history: Dün. The Dwarves of the Dünzenkell rule through a council of guilds. A royal family is chosen once every 200 years by this council to rule. Currently the right to rule falls on the shoulders of King Grimlay. It has been nearly 400 years since a king has lead the Dünzenkell. Traditionally this role falls to the matriarchs of the family. Expeditions are often sent into the Underrealm from Dün; and there many believe lies the source of secrets among the Dwarves and their success with mastering artisanship. Untold magic lies deep within Verra. It’s source is not known to many. Dünzenkell has long benefited from this source though. It has fueled the expansion of the Dwarven kingdoms throughout the northern mountains.
— Steven Sharif
Dünir are stoic, traditional people who fancy practicality over glam. After all most people who gaze upon a mountain would see just that. A mountain. However the Dünir when they gaze upon a mountain they see a defensible home where riches are bountiful. They are a people who take immense pride in what they craft and what they build.
Often times those who gaze upon their structures from the outside see fortifications that seem impregnable. They are one with the stone and that is made abundantly clear as it is said their warhammers never seem to break and they seem to be surrounded by beautiful gems that are well within their repertoire.
While they may be short in stature, one should never under-estimate them as they are pound for pound the strongest warriors the world has ever known. Lastly the women of the Dünir People can also grow beards and body hair as it is believed the beards are attached to their skull and it just takes time for them to grow out.
Dwarves are born with the beard attached to their skull and it just takes time for the beard to grow out of the skin, but the beard is there from the start. – Steven Sharif
The Architecture is often built along the side of a Mountain. The stonework typically is fashioned from the same rock that the Mountain itself is comprised of. Feats of genuine marvels to be hold especially from those who gaze upon them for their first time.

Interesting Fact about this place is that it was once a Dwarven City. Think of it has the last bastion of the Dwarves before the Calamity had struck and drove everyone to Sanctus. Expect this to be a Dungeon in Ashes of Creation; It will most likely be in ruins and filled with corruptive creatures.
A people Defined as being bound to family, having idealisms of freedom and a remarkable sense of courage the Niküa saw their mountain homes as a prison unlike their Dünir cousins. They had a belief in a 'Great Hunt' which they felt could not be accomplished inside a cave. While they may not have an affinity for the Mountain, longing to freely roam the lands, they still have a strong sense of craftsmanship like their brothers the Dünir. Crafting though for them is more of a right of passage and advancement of not just themselves but their family. Facial hair is not a primary characteristic of the Niküa.

As the game is not officially launched we will be updating this section of our Lore Manual as more information is provided. As we wish to make this a guide for memebrs of the Gilded House to reference for lore related material this'll be a continuous project. Major updates to this guide will be made known to the community. We will always reference source material and reflect 'actual' lore within these pages. As Gilded House is a collaborative based community this project too will have many Authors and contributors to it.

This is a small writing that was created in the narrative of a Dwarven denizen during the time of the Calamity. This is an official excerpt from the Ashes of Creation Development Team.
I was a child when they first appeared in the night’s sky. At first there were three distinct lights. Not quite the brightest in the sky, but they were bright enough. My mother told me that they were a sign from the Gods, that the world was about to change. She had a sense for these types of things. A long line of women in my mother’s family were Oracles. Written on one of the many tablets in the Great Halls of King Grimlaey, is the story of my Great-Grandmother, the Royal Court’s Regent Oracle, and how she foretold the rise of the Undying during the Great War.
As the days grew to months, and months into years, the lights in the night’s sky grew in number. The priests in the temples began to refer to the lights as Harbingers. Upon my graduation from the Master Stonecutters University, the lights numbered 16. Each passing month, the lights grew in brightness and size.
It didn’t take long for things to change in Dünheim. Families that I had grown up with, began to move away from the city in the heart of the Mountain. Travelers became less common, and temple services were filled every day with new converts seeking answers about the Harbingers and what they meant. My mother wanted to leave the city as well, but my father wouldn’t hear it. His auction house is what kept food on the table, and my brothers were both in the Council Guard. There was no way my father was going to be seen leaving the mountain. Honor and respect meant more than life itself, and my father had great pride in my brothers. Despite my mother’s persistence to leave the city, we stayed.

The Kaivek have always adhered to a strict code of tribal loyalty... Roughly thirteen centuries before the fall, a leader named Ran'Kal united the clans into a nation called the Kaivek Protectorate. Kal taught that all Orcs answer to the protection of the divine order. This teaching expressed the belief that it was the will of the gods that all Orc kinds should have superiority over the nations of Verra. For it was only through the unity of the clans that the people of Verra would be led to enlightenment. It was the teachings of Kal that led the Kaivek to pursue campaigns of conquest across the lands of Verra. Where the Orcs were once nomadic and divided before Kal, through his leadership they became a powerful nation united in conquest. Trophies of each city conquered are found in the capital city of Ren. Just before the fall the Kaivek Protectorate adopted a policy of peaceful coexistence with their neighbors. Having endured centuries of conflict, leaders rose among them echoing the teachings of peace. These recent reformations have once again begun to lead to a fracturing of the Protectorate. Some unrest among the clans have called for a culling of those who are unworthy of the protection from the divine order.
— Steven Sharif
The Ren'Kai believe in strength with a balance of tranquility. They also value Honor and so their belief that staying centered only grows their power. They also believe in what they call the Ultimate focus which essentially translates for them into controlling their immense power. When they become enraged though, one should be weary as very few men or beasts live to tell the tale of such an encounter.
I like the influence, almost what appears to be somewhat scaly on the arms and the back and the skin: A little bit- I mean it looks like he may have some type of Dragonborn influences of Dragonborn in his lineage or something?
Through scalding sun or biting winter, the Vek diviners persevere in the pursuit of astral knowledge as they have for hundreds of cycles. To the diviner, the stars contain the weave of all future histories; the threads only need be touched and followed to understand. Thus, they roam the land in search of the outer realm's most ancient secrets.

They are known to be stargazers and find beauty in what lies beyond the material world before them. They are known to see fate that resides beyond our time as they stargaze, a sense of mysticism born from their wanderlust of the celestial bodies above. Seeking purpose and fate among the stars. So much do they value the galaxy above the world they read the heavens for how wars will go, which empires will rise or fall and they often challenge themselves by simply asking, 'Are they too late?'.
As the game is not officially launched we will be updating this section of our Lore Manual as more information is provided. As we wish to make this a guide for memebrs of the Gilded House to reference for lore related material this'll be a continuous project. Major updates to this guide will be made known to the community. We will always reference source material and reflect 'actual' lore within these pages. As Gilded House is a collaborative based community this project too will have many Authors and contributors to it.

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Souls acting as conduits is a very integral component of some broader features in the storyline. If you think about souls being a conduit for Essence and you think of the gods as masters of the Essence: If you think of the Essence being separate from the Gods- let's say they're parallel to eachother- one didn't create the other, but they coexist in this almost symbiotic form with one another: almost to the point where their manipulation of the Essence is perfection: They can perfectly manipulate it and lesser beings- and I say 'lesser' in a sense of their alignment or closeness to Essence. They're still perfecting that manipulation and some never achieve perfection almost to the degree of ascendency or enlightenment- Essence being that sort of Chi that exists. In that regard, when a perfect being such as the gods- and I'm not saying 'perfect' as the correlation between sin and not sin, I'm thinking perfect in the sense of how you can control and manipulate the Essence: That control is perfection for them.
When you think about souls being a conduit, what are conduits used for? Conduits are passages: they're methods by which Essence can travel between realms, between planes. And there hasn't been any definitive understanding of just how many planes exist. We understand that there is a disparity between the planes when it comes to their connection to the Essence, and because Essence is so powerful; and it flows through these planes almost like a river. You can think that conduits help to maintain that flow and/or even exaggerate the flow; and there might be something at play, that I don't wanna touch necessarily, as to why one would want to create these types of conduits, these souls, this creation on the material plane: Something of significance. – *Steven Sharif*
Plane | Essence Connection |
Plane of the Gods | Most |
Material Plane | Moderate |
The Void | Least |

They are Masters of it (Essence). That said, they are still separate from it. What does that mean? Well Essence did not create the gods nor did the gods create the essence but they do exist together in a symbiotic form where it has given the gods almost a perfect manipulation of it (Essence) and of the 'lesser beings' who exist further from this source (Essence).
Essence is such a powerful driving force within the cosmos that it flows through the multiple planes almost like a river. The conduit of the soul help to maintain or even exaggerate the flow. Not much information is known about this 'yet' but as the world of Verra is explored more details regarding the power of how Essence flows will be further explored.
This is a perversion of nature which is the negative aspect of Essence. This perversion was brought to Verra from celestial bodies known as Harbingers which to themselves called beings called 'The Ancients'. They manipulated the Essence learning from 'The Others' and began to wage war on Verra by utilizing this Corruption to siege their warfare.
There is a bit of information regarding this figure within Ashes of Creation but the reason why he is mentioned in the Essence portion of this documentation is because he was the First Ruler of Verra to discover the purpose of 'The Essence' which allowed the manipulation of matter and exploitation of magic for many means and purposes.
The Tulnar have souls and these souls act as conduits for the Essence.
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The story of creation tells us of a race of beings known as The Ancients. Created in the likeness of what was once The Ten. The Ten imbued all of their qualities into one race to have stewardship over all of creation.
The power of the Ancients grew and a rift divided the Ten in how to accommodate their new creation. Three of the Ten separated from the others and began to teach the Ancients the Secrets of the Essence. When the Seven learned of this, a great celestial battle ensued.
Eons passed and you watched as the fight continued within the celestial kingdom. Some say it was the fight that created the stars and heaven we see today. With every blow between the Ten a star was born.
When the battle was complete, the others and the Ancients were banished by the Seven into the Void. The Seven found the error of their ways and decided to split their qualities into four races instead of one; and this is how the Humans, Elves, Orcs and Dwarves came to be. You watch as the Seven created Verra and placed each of the races within their respective locations.
As the story came to an end, a dark figure at a distance grew closer to you. Until all you could see was the darkness. And you wake up in a sweat after a nightmare.
As stated above there was a total of ten gods. They had been unified and bound under the same principles, however these Ten Gods created a species known as the Ancients.
The Ancients had all the qualities of the Ten Gods and so governance on how to treat this new found creation became a sore topic among them. Seven of the Gods believed the Ancients should not be taught all facets of what they know, while the other three (The Others) wished to elevate them up and provide them all they know. The Others hoped to treat them as Equals and eventually wanted to elevate them to the plane of the gods.
As you can fathom a war broke out between The three parties. The Seven fought against The Others and the Ancients which became a great Celestial battle. A battle that the Seven would win and they would banish The Others and The Ancients to the Void.
Afterward the Seven would create four divine races and would thusly split their qualities between each of these races rather then making the same mistake of putting all their qualities into a single one like they had with The Ancients. As for the Seven they embodied aspects of the universe as well as feelings.
The Seven | The Others |
Love | ??? |
Creation | ??? |
Fate (Norlan) | ??? |
Hope (Resna) | ??? |
Truth (Shol) | ??? |
??? | ??? |
??? | ??? |
In the universe of Ashes of Creation, specifically Verra, the Player in a sense in a Avatar of the Phoenix which all life on this plane has come from essentially. Huh? Basically how they explain the respawn feature of Ashes of Creation is that the Soul of our character is bound with the Goddess of Creation which brings the spark of that Avatar of the Phoenix back and brings you to life through the manipulation of the essence. Hence why upon death you have that Ash Effect. Thus symbolizing that a Phoenix rises from the Ash.
When you think about souls being a conduit, what are conduits used for? Conduits are passages: they're methods by which Essence can travel between realms, between planes. And there hasn't been any definitive understanding of just how many planes exist. We understand that there is a disparity between the planes when it comes to their connection to the Essence, and because Essence is so powerful; and it flows through these planes almost like a river. You can think that conduits help to maintain that flow and/or even exaggerate the flow; and there might be something at play, that I don't wanna touch necessarily, as to why one would want to create these types of conduits, these souls, this creation on the material plane: Something of significance.
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Welcome to the Gilded House Lore Series, an ongoing video series that dives deeper into the Gilded House story and provides a useful aid for roleplaying within Ashes of Creation.
We begin the lore series with an introduction video about the Gilded House, covering our history, goals and origins. In our second video, we take a look at the creation myths behind Ashes of Creation, notably the events known as the Fall and the Return.
Stay tuned for more videos and check back soon for updates. If you have any feedback for us or wish to suggest any topics for us to cover, feel free to join our discord and share your thoughts.
Thank you for watching!
The tower at Carphin is a fascinating tale steeped in history and arcane knowledge. In truth, it forms a crucial component of the University complex, gifted to the Aela humans by the Pyrian elves. The Pyrians played a pivotal role in establishing and instructing the humans in the art of mastering The Essence and magic. As one of the prominent universities of the Aelan Empire, the tower bears witness to numerous experiences and encounters that are inherently mystical and shrouded in the enigma of Essence magic. One should tread with caution, for formidable adversaries await the unwary.
Laria Lemonte, the esteemed Head Mistress of Carphin, was among the most distinguished mages of her time in the Aelan Empire. In a valiant effort to stave off impending doom for the capital, she endeavored to cast a spell, one that required a willing participant. As you step into the tower, the eerie sounds that filled the night sky on the previous evening resonate once again, albeit subdued and confined solely to the tower. Haunting moans and wails emanate from above, a testimony to the immense power and sorcery of the illustrious Laria Lemonte.
The Tower of Carphin also features a series of statues erected in front of it, representing significant figures within the Academy and the Aela Empire. Among those mentioned are Tanfillerus Ren, the first Py'rayan dean to teach humans and the individual responsible for constructing the tower. We also learn about Aristaad, Ren's most accomplished student who went on to build additional towers throughout the Aelan Empire. Jennica, a dean who specialized in teleportation, is also mentioned, though it appears that her studies were beset with complications, and she disappeared without a trace.
Further, we find notes on Daren Lemont, who is part of the influential Orin's family and is integral to Aelan Human history. Lastly, we learn of Klawn Xander, a practitioner of Alchemy who created renowned concoctions throughout Verra.
It is presumed that upon entering the first level, we would be greeted by the Arcanium. This impressive library is said to feature a grand hall that runs throughout, with spiral staircases leading up to the second floor. While it was once devoted to research and magical exhibits, we can now only imagine that it has fallen into disrepair. The walls are adorned with alcoves containing statues of varying sizes, and stone bookcases, pedestals, and benches are scattered throughout the space. Some Sanctus scholars have even suggested the presence of blood pools along the floor, seeming to originate from the floors above and trickling down the walls both inside and outside the wreckage, though others may find this notion implausible.
As we venture further, the second floor, aptly named the Administratae, boasts a collection of private offices where wizards and professors can delve into their studies without disturbance. A commodious lounge area awaits on this floor, providing a space for meetings and well-deserved repose. Within these hallowed walls, a wealth of knowledge is stored, from historical archives to papers detailing research on the many facets of the essence. Moreover, rumor has it that an arcane elevator, situated at the heart of the level, grants access to the rest of the tower. Beware, however, as one may encounter not only soaring volumes of arcane tomes but also treacherous mimics disguised as laboratory equipment or scholarly materials.
As we ascend via the arcane elevator to the third floor, we catch a glimpse of a magnificent collection of viewing galleries that would undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on any magical enthusiast. These galleries are painstakingly well-preserved, showcasing a stunning array of constructed models and historical magical theories presented in a format reminiscent of a grand museum. The opulent crystal architecture and ornate decorations would surely have been intended to impress not only aspiring students of magic, but also esteemed patrons and foreign dignitaries.
As we ascend to the fourth floor, we are confronted with a dismaying scene. Once a grand teleport nexus, it has been transformed into a chamber of sacrilege, where desperate mages have resorted to unspeakable acts. The quarantine and customs rooms, once teeming with life, now serve as dismal cells, confining hapless victims of the abhorrent rituals. The mages have transgressed forbidden and long-forgotten forms of magic, betraying their ethics and conscience.
At the apex of the elevator, which presumably marks the final floor, lies the conduit that channels copious amounts of Essence from the summoning room directly below, which also doubles as the sacrificial room. The orrery functions both as a vessel and a guide for the summoning rites performed in the nexus below. The spiral staircase, now in disarray, snakes up the open chamber, its platforms intermittently collapsing and falling into disrepair.
At the top of the elevator lies a room that appears to have been used to channel large amounts of essence from the summoning room directly below - which also doubles as the sacrificial room. The orrery acts as a container and map, focusing the summoning rituals of the nexus on the floor below. The spiral staircase, now in disarray, winds its way up the open chamber, occasionally giving way to partially collapsed and decrepit platforms. Directly above this lies the observation level, boasting large open viewing areas and a lounge, as indicated by the maps we have received. However, it appears that this area has been exposed to the exterior, with large portions of the wall deconstructed and destroyed. This was likely a gathering place for wizards to discuss the state of the world and perform their auguries and scrys. The area is filled with a red mist that emanates from the floor above.
As we ascend the stairs, we hear large, deep footsteps coming from what is known as the Eye of Ayla at the top. According to our understanding, this was the roof of the tower and acted as a conduit for magic, amplifying spell effects across the land. It is here that we assume the sacrificial altar for the most powerful blood magic ever to be seen on the face of Verra was performed just a few days earlier, based on the letters retrieved from the body of the Lich, Lamont's right-hand man.
It is imperative that we delve into the history of the Toren empire's last ruling house, the house of Atrax. King Atrax was not only its longest and final ruler, but also a formidable and forward-thinking wizard for his era. During the early years of his reign, he focused primarily on acquiring artifacts, knowledge, and the essence's focal points. He eventually realized that the essence could be manipulated to exploit magic in various ways and became fixated on this knowledge. King Atrax, being an accomplished wizard, sought immortality to continue his pursuit of knowledge. He discovered that manipulating the life-force of a soul would increase one's ability to focus the essence. Every individual's soul serves as a conduit of the essence across the plains, enabling divine beings to reach into the material plane through the souls of their divine beings, namely the four great races and their descendants.
Through his search for immortality, King Atrax stumbled upon the darker aspects of the essence and, while discovering artifacts along the ley lines in Verra, came into contact with entities beyond the material plane in the void. These entities were unknown to him, as well as to The Ancients and The Others. King Atrax began manipulating the essence to attain everlasting life, which led to his encounter with The Ancients, who took advantage of his knowledge. This was the first time The Ancients made contact with any of the divine races, and it prompted them to pursue Verra and pervert what the seven gods had created through their second creation. The Ancients established contact with Atrax through summoning rituals he had learned while manipulating the essence. It was through these rituals that Atrax learned the secret to achieving immortality. However, The Ancients did not inform Atrax of the consequences of this process, as it would deform his conduit and his soul, which exists with the Essence.
As a result of this, Atrax underwent a process of lichdom, becoming the first lich and undead on Verra. He propagated undeath through his subjects and experimented on them before his transformation into a lich, causing them to suffer from his desire to become immortal. Atrax's pursuit of immortality was the origin of undeath on Verra, and his subjects suffered the most. The Ancients, in contrast, achieved immortality in a purer form, similar to the godhood among the Pantheon, which prohibited them from encompassing the undeath component. They did not teach this to King Atrax, leading to the origins of undeath on Verra and in general.
King Atrax, the last and longest serving ruler of the ancient Toren empire, was a powerful and advanced wizard who dedicated his rule to seeking out artifacts, knowledge, and the focal points of The Essence in pursuit of immortality.
- He discovered that manipulating the life-force of a soul increases one's ability to focus the Essence.
- His pursuit of immortality led him to come into contact with forces that existed outside of the material plane, including The Ancients and The Others.
- Through his summoning rituals, Atrax learned how to achieve immortality, but this resulted in his transformation into the first Lich and undead on Verra.
- Atrax's pursuit of immortality led to the propagation of undeath across the world, causing suffering among his subjects.
- The Ancients, who had also learned how to achieve immortality, did so in a pure form that prohibited them from encompassing the undeath component.
- After achieving lichdom, Atrax enslaved his undead subjects to procure ancient artifacts so that he could further manipulate the Essence and magic.
- These artifacts were housed in the vault of Fallow's Hold, located near the capital city of the ancient Toren empire, Torall.
- The Great War of the Undying with King Atrax ultimately led to the formation of the Aelan Empire by the Aelan people.
King Atrax, in his quest for mastery over The Essence, unearthed four powerful Ancient artifacts that were closely attuned to the ley lines of Essence that coursed throughout Verra. These artifacts were kept in the vault of Fallow's Hold, a renowned dungeon of Verra, situated in close proximity to Torall, the capital of the ancient Toren empire.
- The Golden Chalice was believed to bring everlasting life, but actually allowed the corruption of manipulating The Essence to enter the soul through the physical representation of drinking something.
- The Crown represented a direct link The Ancients had into the thought process of King Atrax that the Ancients were able to manipulate.
- The Sword brought unusual power through manipulation of the evil side of the Essence, which allowed Atrax to maintain his dominance over his people.
- The Staff enabled Atrax to project his magic across great distances, which extended his power and manipulation throughout the lands of Verra and allowed him to maintain vigilance over his realm.
Deep in the rugged mountains of Verra, where jagged peaks pierced the heavens and the air whispered tales of ancient times, a legendary forge existed, forged by the very hands of the gods themselves. It was from this sacred forge that the Dwarves, a race steeped in myth and fable, were said to have originated. The Dwarves, believed to be the first among the major races, were said to have arrived on the shores of distant continents aboard ships that defied logic and reason, crafted from stone and steel.
Across the vast expanse of Verra, the skilled hands of Dwarven smiths and craftsmen could be found, their talents revered and sought after by all who valued the strength and durability of their creations. But at the heart of the Dwarven race, nestled deep within the unforgiving northern mountains, lay the nation of Dünzenkell. It stood as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Dwarves, a beacon of their resilience and unwavering determination.
Dünzenkell, with its towering citadels and sprawling underground cities, was the epicenter of Dwarven society. Here, tradition and heritage thrived, interwoven with a strict matriarchal order. The eldest matriarch, wise and revered, governed over the clans that formed the backbone of Dwarven society. Under her guidance, the Dwarves flourished, their unity and solidarity binding them together.
But it was not just familial ties that bound the Dwarves. Deep-rooted alliances were forged between family guilds, connecting the Dwarven clans in a web of interdependence and loyalty. These alliances ensured the prosperity and protection of their people, as well as the preservation of their time-honored customs and craftsmanship.
From the moment a Dwarven child took their first breath, their fate was marked by the sigil of their guild. It was a symbol of their heritage, a badge of honor that spoke of their lineage and skills. The sigil, intricately etched onto their flesh, became a part of their identity, forever binding them to their clan and their purpose.
However, not all paths led to the hallowed halls of Dünzenkell. Some Dwarves, whether banished from their homeland or choosing to venture on a solitary path, found themselves without the protection of their guilds. In such cases, their sigils were no longer a mark of honor but a painful reminder of their severed ties. These wanderers, seeking solace or redemption in the vast world beyond, would often resort to drastic measures. With steely determination, they would bear the searing pain of hot metal against their skin, erasing their guild sigils, leaving behind only the scars of their past.
And so, the legend of the Dwarves persisted, echoing through the mountains of Verra and whispered in hushed tones around campfires. Their origins, their matriarchal society, and the bonds that tied them together as a race were stories passed down through generations. The Dwarves, with their indomitable spirit and unmatched craftsmanship, continued to shape the world around them, leaving an indelible mark wherever they went.
Throughout the ages, the Dünzenkell Dwarves have been bestowed with various names, but none hold as much reverence as the one that graces the highest peak where their capital has stood since the dawn of recorded history: Dün. It is a name that resonates with the echoes of time, an immutable testament to their enduring legacy.
Within the heart of Dün, the Dwarves of Dünzenkell govern themselves through a council of guilds, each representing a specific craft or trade. This esteemed council, known for their wisdom and expertise, selects a royal family to lead the nation once every two centuries. At present, the mantle of leadership rests upon the broad shoulders of King Grimlay, marking an extraordinary span of nearly four centuries since a king last guided the destiny of the Dünzenkell. Traditionally, this esteemed role has been passed down to the matriarchs of the noble lineage, but the tides of fate have charted a different course in this instance.
From the heart of Dün, expeditions are regularly dispatched into the enigmatic depths of the Underrealm, a realm veiled beneath the surface of Verra. It is within these treacherous realms that many believe the secrets of the Dwarves' exceptional craftsmanship and unparalleled mastery lie hidden. Legends abound about a wellspring of untold magic concealed deep within Verra's embrace, a power whose true source remains unknown to most. However, the Dünzenkell have long reaped the benefits of this arcane force, which has served as the driving force behind the expansion and prosperity of the Dwarven realms that stretch across the rugged expanse of the northern mountains.
Yet, despite their deep connection to this mystical font, the true nature and origin of this untold magic remain shrouded in mystery. The Dwarves of Dünzenkell guard its secrets closely, entrusting them to only a select few. This hidden wellspring grants them an inherent advantage, fueling their unyielding dedication to their crafts, whether it be the art of shaping stone into majestic citadels or forging steel into intricate masterpieces. The mark of Dünzenkell's artistry is etched far and wide, a testament to their unwavering commitment and ingenuity.
As the eons pass, the nation of Dünzenkell endures as a beacon of strength and resilience, nestled deep within the heart of the majestic mountains. Their unwavering spirit and the unparalleled gifts bestowed by the wellspring continue to shape their destiny and carve a lasting legacy for their noble Dwarven race. While the mysteries of the Underrealm remain an ongoing quest, the Dünzenkell Dwarves, guided by the steady hand of King Grimlay, forge ahead, expanding their dominion and leaving an indelible mark upon the world. Their unbreakable bond with the untold magic coursing through Verra's veins ensures that their ancestral home thrives and flourishes, forever intertwined with the destiny of the Dwarven people.
In the realm of Verra, amidst the rugged landscapes and towering peaks, there exists a proud and resilient people known as the Dünir. Stoic and unwavering, the Dünir possess a deep reverence for tradition and an unyielding connection to the forge. Where others may perceive mountains as mere geological formations, the Dünir envision a bastion of strength, a sanctuary brimming with untold riches.
Within the depths of their stout and steadfast frames lies an unwavering pride in their craft. The Dünir are masters of creation, wielding their skilled hands to forge fortifications that stand as bastions of impenetrable might. Their fortresses rise like sentinels against the elements, defying the passage of time. With unwavering determination, they fashion warhammers that never falter, enduring countless battles without a hint of compromise. And in the delicate art of gem-cutting, they shape precious stones into magnificent works of art, destined to adorn the regal figures of their noble lineage.
Do not be deceived by their sturdy stature, for within the veins of the Dünir flows a strength unparalleled. Pound for pound, they stand as the epitome of resilience and power, renowned as the world's mightiest warriors. Their endurance is legendary, their blows resonate with the force of a thunderstorm, and their valor remains unbroken even in the face of adversity. With indomitable spirit, they march forth, safeguarding their people and upholding the honor of their lineage.
The Dünir stand as a testament to the indomitable spirit of a people bound to their ancestral home, shaped by the fiery heart of the forge. Each Dünir carries within them the weight of tradition, an unyielding commitment to their craft, and an unwavering dedication to the protection and prosperity of their kin. Their works are a testament to their skill, their fortitude a reflection of their unwavering spirit.
In a world where strength is measured by the resilience of the soul and the mastery of the forge, the Dünir shine as a beacon of unyielding might. Their fortifications stand as testaments to their craftsmanship, their warhammers as symbols of their prowess, and their hearts as vessels of unwavering loyalty. In the tapestry of Verra's history, the Dünir etch their mark with the flames of the forge, forever forging their path as the embodiment of strength and resilience.
In the vast realm of Verra, where mountains rise like ancient guardians, there exists a spirited and tenacious people known as the Niküa. Rooted in values of family, freedom, and unyielding courage, they perceive the mountains that surround them not as a home but as a confining prison. To them, the confines of a cave seem ill-suited for the grand hunt, for the pursuit of adventure and the freedom to explore.
While their brethren, the Dunir, find solace and purpose in the forge, the Niküa possess an innate understanding and appreciation for the artistry that exists beyond the realm of jewelry for nobles. They too are highly skilled artisans, their craftsmanship honed with precision and care. Yet, their creations are not merely objects of adornment but rather a testament to their resilience, an embodiment of their spirit.
In the eyes of the Niküa, crafting is not merely a means of expression or a display of skill; it is a sacred rite of passage, an advancement of the family. Each work meticulously crafted represents a tangible mark of progress, a testament to their heritage and their unwavering dedication to their kin. The Niküa understand that through their artistry, they can shape their own destiny and forge a future that transcends the confines of their mountainous prison.
With determination burning within their souls, the Niküa stand at the precipice of change, questioning the boundaries that bind them. Will they dare to challenge the status quo, to seek new horizons beyond the sheltering mountains of their ancestors? The answer lies within the hearts of the courageous, the adventurous, and those yearning for the freedom to roam.
As the Niküa embrace the calling of progress, they honor the sacred ties of family that have fortified them through generations. They weave their dreams with threads of courage, stitching together a tapestry of possibility. In their hands, the chisel becomes an instrument of liberation, the paintbrush an avenue of self-discovery, and the very act of creation a declaration of independence.
The mountains that once served as a prison become a stepping stone, a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Niküa. They are the embodiment of resilience, the guardians of freedom, and the bearers of courage. With each stroke of their artisan's tools, they etch their mark upon the world, leaving behind a legacy that speaks of liberation and the relentless pursuit of their dreams.
As the Niküa navigate the uncharted territories of progress, they carry with them the strength of their ancestors, the bonds of their familial heritage, and the unwavering courage to forge a path of their own. In their journey, they embody the very essence of freedom, breaking the chains that have confined them and embracing a future where their artistry and spirit intertwine to shape a destiny that knows no bounds.
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