Obsidian Order banner: a crimson banner, addressed with the sigil of a White Wolf.
Obsidian Order colors: White, Crimson & Black
Though small in number, the Obsidian Order has served House Kimura faithfully for generations. They have become a relic of the past and perform more of a ceremonial role and guards for the nobles.
Formally led by Niklas Auvray, the Obsidian Order is now led by his daughter, Thyra Auvray.
The Obsidian Order is our PVP/PVE pillar of GH. It will focus mainly on all forms of player vs. player combat such as node wars, sieges, world bosses, and duels. Those who want to focus their might on being the strongest or most proficient in combat will find this pillar the most suitable. If you do not like open world combat, this pillar would not be for you.
Squads are nimble, versatile units within the Obsidian Order that are entrusted with the completion of assigned missions, tasks during battle, or to perform certain duties on and off the battlefield. A Squad is a small group, embodying a diverse range of roles, planning jointly, and collaborating closely, whether in the heat of battle or during peacetime. Depending on their focus some Squads will work closely with one another, while others may be more for specific needs or situations that may arise. Squad Leaders will be chosen from Mentors or Veterans.
The Obsidian Order offers a light roleplay experience. Ideal for those who have just dipped their sword into the storytelling experience. While individuals can decide to do more roleplay, it is not the central focus of the order. Raids//Duels will be considered OOC unless otherwise stated by the party lead. Cross-pillar activities will be IC unless otherwise stated by the party lead. New & non-roleplayers alike are welcome.
RP-PVP combines role-playing with player versus player combat to create a more immersive and complex gaming experience. We use in-game mechanics, stats, and skills as in-character actions. Your chosen class, gear, and level are considered an in-character representation of your powers and abilities. The Obsidian Order members are not bloodthirsty bandits and will have a code of honor when it comes to who and why we engage in PVP. We will have enemies who can be attacked on sight and comrades that we’re expected to defend.
When you enter battle, do it with enthusiasm and courage.
No Exploitation: Don't use bugs, hacks, or unfair tactics.
Fair Engagement: Fight prepared opponents with roughly equal level or gear.
Always be ready to defend your home, land, and people.
Protect The Guild: Run to protect guild members, no matter the cost.
Intervene in Bullying: Defend the unfairly targeted.
In victory or defeat, act with integrity and respect.
Respectful Behavior: Be courteous to the stranger and acknowledge skill.
No Griefing: Avoid ganking, harassing, or repetitive attacks.
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A Novice of the Obsidian Order is a new recruit embarking on a time-honored path in service to House Kimura. They are molded through rigorous combat training, the art of mending, then fortified with knowledge of the Order's traditions and principles. Upon completing initiation trials, they then choose to either become a formidable warrior or a vital support figure. Both roles carry the honor and responsibility of upholding the legacy of the Obsidian Order.
By blood and steel, they defend the defenseless.
Warriors are the formidable bulwark standing between House Kimura and any looming threats. These brave individuals wield their weapon and magic as an extension of their very soul. Each strike, each spell, carries with it the fierce dedication to protect, and an unyielding spirit that embodies the Order's legacy. They are the first line of defense, the prow of the ship that cleaves through the tumultuous sea of conflict. In their hands, they bear not just their weapons, but the security and honor of House Kimura, a trust forged in the crucible of battle.
Champions have been tested and tempered, becoming paragons of courage and strength. They have weathered countless storms, each victory a testament to their unwavering resolve and unmatched prowess in battle. They embody the Order's martial tradition, their name itself a banner under which the Warriors rally. They inspire their comrades not only with their skills in combat but also with their steadfast dedication to The Code.
Thanes are distinguished Champions who rise above and beyond the call of duty. Their seasoned leadership and tactical prowess driving the Order's engagements, orchestrating complex missions, and molding future Warriors in service to The Gilded House.
The power of life and death in the palm of their hands.
Aspirants are the pulse that keeps the heart of the Order beating, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos of war. They mend the wounds of their comrades, their hands weaving spells that strike fear in our enemies, and rally the warriors to victory. Their duty goes beyond the battlefield, their wisdom and grace providing comfort and counsel in times of peace. They not only stand behind the warriors, but alongside them, their support a testament to a supporter’s timeless creed: “Together, we are invincible!”
Sages are pillars of wisdom and healing whose presence soothes the chaos of conflict. With hands skilled from countless hours of practicing their mystical arts, they navigate the thin veil between life and death with grace. They guide the course of battle, emboldening the warriors forward and striking fear within the hearts of enemies. Their arcane arts shake the very foundation of the battlefield.
Grandmasters are paragon of wisdom, whose expertise guides the Order's healing practices and arcane rituals. They instruct fledgling Aspirants, directing strategies, and fosters harmony among members of The Gilded House.
A leader’s strength lies not in dominance, but unity of purpose & loyalty to others.
Mentors will serve as the bridge between the Commander and members of the Order. This role, akin to a junior officer position, encapsulates the ethos of guidance and nurturing. Mentors are not only proven combatants or skilled supporters but are also revered for their wisdom and dedication to The Gilded House. Their responsibilities span from instructing new recruits in the arts of combat or mending, to upholding the Order's traditions, all while continuing to serve on the frontlines or in vital support roles as Squad Leaders. A Mentor's ultimate mission is to instill the values, skills, and traditions of the Obsidian Order into each member.
The Commander is the exemplar for all within the Order, guiding the Obsidian Order with steadfast wisdom and unyielding resolve. Balancing the sword and the shield, they orchestrate the Order's every move, their vision shaping the destiny of the Order and ensuring the enduring safety and prosperity of The Gilded House.
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