House Greythorne banner: A dark navy banner, with black and brown accents, encircling the house sigil of a stag.
House Greythorne colors: Black, Blue & Grey
House Greythorne is an Elven noble house. Founded on Sanctus, House Greythorne has built its reputation on animal husbandry, by training skilled mounts, pets, and beasts that can be used in adventuring the untamed wilds. Though often viewed as an upstart house, House Greythorne wears their new blood as a badge of honor. Legitimizing bastards who they view as fruitful in their service, or bonding with other houses.
Through their generations on Sanctus, the house has extended their reach by partnering with adventuring and trade companies, providing the mounts, and perhaps beasts that will aid in their protection. This move has gained the Greythorne’s far more favor with non-noble partnerships, and brought in new wealth.
But wealth alone does not impress nobility. House Greythorne has seen its struggles on Sanctus. The family lacks the old histories, and artifacts that make up so much of the ancestral noble families. A connection that cannot be bought or borrowed.
In the present, House Greythorne has partnered with Gilded Ventures, an adventuring company, to provide a stable influx of new mounts and beasts. This arrangement was fostered by House Kimura, another noble house that has shared interests, and in turn, has brought House Greythorne into the political fold.
Politics aside, this new union has shown promise and with the potential trek to Verra, House Greythorne is certain to build upon its roots in the new world.
Joining a vassal house does not prohibit players from joining a guild branch.
House Greythorne is a diverse family, with bloodlines that include Kaelar, Empyrean, and Py’rai ancestry. In recent times, the Elven family lines have become more prominent as the House has become more inclusive. The family does not discriminate as harshly against bastards, and has in the past, legitimized them if they can prove their worth. House Greythorne is largely focused on animal husbandry, they employ and train breeders and beast masters. Family members are known for their adventurous spirit, they tend to dive head first into the unknown, leaving little room for error.
House Greythorne offers a medium-heavy roleplaying experience, focused on researching ancient ‘magic’ and husbandry roleplay. Members of this vassal house will find opportunities for story engagement within their house, but also within the community branches. This is a casual PVX community.
House Greythorne is an ally of House Kimura through their mutual interests. Politically for House Greythorne, and economically for House Kimura. House Greythorne was born out of House Thorne, and though they share a bloodline, House Thorne views the Greythornes as upstarts. They are not enemies, but have an interest in keeping the peace.
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