House Kimura banner: an evergreen banner, addressed with the family sigil of a Leviathan.
House Kimura colors: Gold & Green
Through their ancestry, House Kimura can be traced back to Old Verra serving as a merchant house in the Aelan empire. After its fall, House Kimura re-settled in Sanctus where the once small merchant house evolved into a prosperous gilded house, and over the centuries that passed, made additional investments forging alliances with other families to consecrate their bloodline. While there were some questionable unions, House Kimura has remained a largely Vaelune household.
While much of their history on Sanctus tells the story of a rising noble house, in the past generation, House Kimura suffered a fair amount of tragedy. Most notably, the family matriarch was taken by a foreign illness and died within a single fortnight leaving his lordship Hassan Kimura forever distraught. In another tragic affair, a great union between House Kimura and their rival fell apart after the death of Sergio Kimura, the family’s only son and heir. The faltering union threatened to tear apart more than just one partnership, but sought to undermine the many interests of House Kimura.
Sersei Kimura, the only living child of his lordship, has found herself unexpectedly in a place of leadership, having to take the reins of her faltering household. Her father, left in a withering state, has given her instruction to travel to Verra. Taking the remaining household and its vassal states to settle anew, and bring new fortune to this once gilded house.
The Family and Staff follow the day to day lives and activity of the Kimura Household. Following the Viscountess, her family, and members of the house as they make their fresh start in Verra.
Ex: You are pledged to House Kimura through your shared lineage or work. You may be a blood family member or a member of the household staff.
Vassal Houses make up much of the intrigue and political maneuvering of the Houses of Thorne, Greythorne, and Calderon as they interact amongst themselves and House Kimura. Hosting events, making deals, and spreading secrets.
Ex: You are honorbound to House Kimura through your House’s connection. As a member of a vassal community you may or may not share blood with House Kimura but you are considered a friend and ally.
Phoenix Antiquities represents the business side of House Kimura. Where the community crafters and artisans come together to progress their professions, and help supply the arms, materials, and gold needed for the House to be successful.
Ex: You are an apprentice artisan working for Phoenix Antiquities, a trade company founded by House Kimura. You may not take an oath to House Kimura, but your work is held with great esteem by the household through a shared goal of success.

Through their ancestry, House Kimura can be traced back to Old Verra serving as a merchant house in the Aelan empire. After its fall, House Kimura re-settled in Sanctus where the once small merchant house evolved into a prosperous gilded house, and over the centuries that passed, made additional investments forging alliances with other families to consecrate their bloodline. While there were some questionable unions, House Kimura has remained a largely Vaelune household.
House Kimura is a mercantile household, which employs and trains merchants of all types. Family members tend to be exceptional negotiators, and detail oriented in their everyday lives.
Blood Relations to House Kimura are done through the father's line. As a Vaelune family lineage, all members must have at least a partial Vaelune bloodline. This includes siblings, aunts/uncles, bastards, and cousins.
Working for House Kimura is a bit more nuanced than working for another noble house, as the family has many different needs. From being a servant in the household, to being an advisor or ambassador representing the House. The options are endless.
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House Thorne is an ancient Kaelar house. Born first on Verra as diplomats and political advisors to dignitaries. House Thorne made their name for being savvy, and quick witted. They are masters of conversation, and find their greatest pull in matters of the court. The peak of their dynasty was on Verra itself, in alleged negotiations between the Aelan and Pyrain. However, after the fall, House Thorne lost a lot of its influence. The once admired, and intimidating noble house found itself regarded as no more than mere-stewards. An insult, and a slight that would not be forgotten.
House Thorne is a diplomatic household, which employs and trains stewards, ambassadors, and political advisors. Family members are known to be quick witted, and masters of conversation.
Blood Relations to House Thorne are done through the father's line. As a Kaelar family lineage, all members must have at least a partial Kaelar bloodline. This includes siblings, aunts/uncles, bastards, and cousins.
Bastards in this family may be plentiful, as the family has a IC policy against mixed bloodlines.

House Greythorne is an Elven noble house. Founded on Sanctus, House Greythorne has built its reputation on animal husbandry, by training skilled mounts, pets, and beasts that can be used in adventuring the untamed wilds. Though often viewed as an upstart house, House Greythorne wears their new blood as a badge of honor. Legitimizing bastards who they view as fruitful in their service, or bonding with other houses.
House Greythorne is largely focused on animal husbandry, they employ and train breeders and beast masters. Family members are known for their adventurous spirit, they tend to dive head first into the unknown, leaving little room for error.
House Greythorne is a diverse family, with bloodlines that include Kaelar, Empyrean, and Py’rai ancestry. In recent times, the Elven family lines have become more prominent as the House has become more inclusive. The family does not discriminate as harshly against bastards, and has in the past, legitimized them if they can prove their worth.

House Calderon is an Empyrean family, with a new Kaelar bloodline. The family is tied to their Imperial heritage from Verra, where they served the Elven dynasties as Empyrean Skyraiders and breeding Drakes of varying size.
A proud military history in service to various lieges since the collapse has led to House Calderon taking martial prowess very seriously. Most men who come of age serve in some armed profession, and a Calderon is always ready to take up a noble fight.
House Calderon is a Empyrean family that has only recently bred outside their own race. The current main family line is of Empyrean and Kaelar origins, but pure Empyrean blood runs thick through various cousins, and half-siblings.
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Founded by House Kimura, Phoenix Antiquities started as a small trade house, buying and selling goods for a modest profit. Nothing too entrepreneurial, but a small gamble in the hopes of achieving some gains.
Over generations, as House Kimura grew, so did their trading empire. In fact, one could go as far to suggest that their fates were intertwined. If a new business partnership was made, it was likely sealed through blood. A traditional, yet effective way to ensure lasting, and loyal partnerships.
Phoenix Antiquities serves as the crafting and resource management powerhouse of Gilded House, keeping our crafters busy, and our members well equipped.
Members of Phoenix Antiquities
Within Phoenix Antiquities, behold the distinguished Artisans, adorned with unrivaled expertise and boundless finesse. Their prowess extends across the vast domains of gathering, processing, and crafting, wherein they reign as masters of their crafts. Farms stretched out into the horizon and various creatures cultivated. With unwavering dedication, they also forge and meticulously fashion an array of extraordinary goods and intricate equipment within the very heart of the illustrious foundry. The sheer intensity of its scorching heat reverberates through the entire expanse, leaving an indelible impression upon all who venture near.
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